Art Pieces of 2024

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Uhhhh deeply sorry that there's no search bar, but Ctrl + F is right there, good luck buddy

piece title date medium caption
06-23-2024 thru 06-24-2024 traditional Loon New Reference: while his actual design hasn't changed at all besides the new colors (huge fan of them!), I knew I could do better than the one I made for him a few years back. Given the recent article overhaul, I thought he was deserving of a nice new reference anyways
06-18-2024 thru 06-22-2024 traditional Onyx Revamp Ref and Sketches: og design died february 2023 / new design born june 2024 - welcome back Onyx Solovyova [Edit July 2024: Now with color and some extra side sketches!]
06-19-2024 traditional Kelly The Trans Ally: Someone in one of my servers asked me, since Kelly is a doctor, if he'd ever done any kind of gender affirmation procedures for his patients - and to be quite honest, it's probably actually one of his favorite things to do. There aren't many scenarios where someone comes in for surgery with an attitude like "HELL YEAH LET'S DO THIS!!" It's a nice change of pace! - and yes Livastia is very very pro-trans I hope I've been making that clear with my vibes ok
06-18-2024 traditional Kelly Loon Pride Thumbnails: I had initially intended to make a full, proper pride piece this year, but hOOOOO I had way too many projects I was already working on to have gotten around to it.
06-14-2024 traditional Loon Avatar Concept: not a final look by any means, but since Loon would absolutely be entitled to an avatar, I figured I inevitably need to design it - also a peryton! But much more Loon-ish
06-13-2024 traditional "Here, You Can Borrow My Hoodie!": I just think the concept of humans being buried under MAI clothes is the funniest shit ever - also imagine how cozy it would be - basically blanket sized
06-09-2024 thru 06-10-2024 traditional Peryton Avatar Concept Sketches: The idea for this guy came to me while I was listening to some new music - I didn't know this beast was called a peryton until a friend told me, I thought I was beinng original for a minute LMAO - but this might be the framework for a popular Livastian musician/celebrity
06-06-2024 traditional Ari Gets Baby-proofed: one of the greatest weaknesses of me being a human, possibly, is that I have a huge soft spot for seeing other people being great parents to their kids - ARI WOULD BE A GREAT DAD OK - I think he would find a lot of joy in turning himself into a suitable play area for his daughter while she was a baby
06-04-2024 traditional Loon's Camera: this abomination doohickey is what Loon does to jury-rig human cameras so he can use them with his own hands - terrible little thing
06-02-2024 traditional Optic Expressions: I'm currently getting one of the most banger commissions in the history of mankind right now, and I wanted to supply the arist with a fairly comprehensive reference sheet for MAI facial expressions. Also a great general resource!
05-27-2024 traditional "We Were Children": got the idea for scribble out this quick concept after sitting in on a viewing of the documentary, To What Remains, which is about relocating lost underwater WWII wrecks (free on youtube, it's an excellent watch.) There was a scene with a veteran coming back to visit one of the places they once fought in, and it gave me this idea. It's not exactly the same, but both humans and MAI were really sent into war as just kids.
05-27-2024 traditional Ofeliya Doodles: of course I had to draw the fairest lady of all once again - I had a vision of her sitting down in a chair or on something, and I knew what needed to be done
05-13-2024 traditional Slice of Life Show: some friends and I in one of my servers were joking about what we'd make if we could make TV shows for our worldbuilding settings or ocs - obviously, Livastia would get a slice of life about a girly friend group where one of the girls happens to be a tank - and no one bats an eye.
05-13-2024 traditional Roller Rink Concept: after I finsihed writing the formal avatar article, I had the idea to draw an accompanying piece for it of an MAI using a rental avatar - in a roller rink! As of now I haven't done anything else with the concept, but we shall see.
05-04-2024 thru 05-08-2024 traditional F-22 Dress: Now THIS piece gave me a real project in terms of color - she was originally blue and yellow, but it didn't jive with her and her dress, so I had to retrace the piece and give her more a more mute palette. Also oh right, here's the fashion article!
05-05-2024 thru 05-07-2024 traditional Sleeves Types: Sleeves! Probably the most popular article of clothing for MAI that don't really plan on wearing anything crazy; easy to put on, and highly customizable.
04-27-2024 thru 05-07-2024 traditional F-22 Outfits Page: a random unnamed jet girl who has so graciously offered to model some cute outfits; this page and another ended up giving me a lot of grief in the way of colors. I just came to the conclusion that she's the type to repaint her accents pretty often
05-07-2024 traditional Paris Tank Outfit Sheet: All colored up and finished, I think Paris would personally use an outfit like this for some pretty fancy events.
05-05-2024 thru 05-18-2024 traditional Merle Tank Sketch: Another doodle intended for the fashion article. I initially wanted to line and color this, but if you've been paying attention to the dates, I decided to pace myself LMAO [Edit: I finsished him! Yippee!!!]
05-05-2024 digital Aristaeus Doodle: over on the main tumblr I posted about having made a scale model of an F-4 Phantom II named Aristaeus, and of course I had to make a little drawing of her, too!


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